Public Space Policy
The rights of an individual to use the Community District Library should not be abridged or denied. To guarantee these rights to all persons, no library patron shall engage in behaviors prohibited by the following rules of the library. Patrons must abide by the Patron Code of Conduct below.
No person shall:
1. Make solicitations for any reason.
2. Eat or drink in the library except in staff areas and as authorized at public meetings.
3. Smoking is prohibited in the Library.
4. Patrons cannot use, sell, distribute or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
5. Patrons shall respect the rights of other patrons. Patrons may not harass, threaten, or disturb Library staff or patrons while in the Library so that it interferes with any patron’s use of the Library or the ability of the staff person to do his/her job.
6. Damage or deface public property.
7. Improperly remove library materials or equipment.
8. Loiter in library.
9. Patrons are expected to speak in a tone of voice appropriate for the area in which they are speaking. Producing or allowing any loud, unreasonable, or disturbing noises that interferes with a patron’s use of the Library or which can be reasonably expected to disturb other persons, including those from electronic, entertainment, and communication devices is prohibited.
10. Utter profane, obscene or injurious language.
11. Remain in the building after hours.
12. Enter or remain in the building without wearing shoes or shirt.
13. Interfere with the other library patrons use of facilities through extremely
poor personal hygiene.
14. Sleep in the library for an extended period of time (more than 10 minutes).
15. Violate any municipal ordinance in the library or on library grounds.
16. Use cell phone in the library except in designated areas.
17. Use another person’s library card number.
18. Patrons may not interfere with the staff’s performance of duties in the Library or on Library property. This includes engaging in conversation of behavior that monopolizes or forces the attention of staff for an inappropriate period of time, inappropriate personal comments, sexual advances, or physical and/or verbal harassment.
Violation of Patron Code of Conduct
It is the charge of the Community District Library staff to see that the rights of the individuals to use the library are upheld. The library staff is obligated to enforce these rules so that the facilities can be used to the utmost by all persons.
The staff will follow this procedure regarding patron misconduct at the library:
1. First Offense: verbal warning by staff
a. Copy of patron code of conduct with checked offences
b. Date with signature of offender
c. Give copy to offender and place original on file
d. If offender refuses to sign, staff will sign and note “refusal of signature”
and place on file
2. Second Offense: written warning with loss of library privileges for one month.
a. Use Violation of Patron Code of Conduct 2nd Offense form
b. Give copy to offender and place original on file
c. If offender refuses to sign, staff will sign and note “refusal of signature”
and place on file
3. Third Offense: Loss of library privileges for 6 months.
a. Use Violation of Patron Code of Conduct 3rd Offense form
b. Give copy to offender and place original on file
d If offender refuses to sign, staff will sign and note “refusal of signature”
and place on file
The staff may expel the offender(s) without warning, at the discretion of the staff, in situations of serious, threatening or willfully malicious behavior. Police assistance may be necessary in cases for refusal of patrons to vacate the library premises in a reasonable amount of time. Persons who violate the above rules and or ordinances are subject to loss of library privileges if subsequent offenses occur.
Report of Incidents/Accidents
Whenever a patron or staff member is injured in an accident in Library buildings or on Library grounds, the supervisor present should fill out a Library Incident/Accident Report form and return it to the Director as soon as possible.
Any time an incident occurs in the Library or on Library grounds, of which a staff member feels the Director should be aware, a Library Incident/Accident report form should be submitted. An “incident” may range from a patron complaint to deviant or criminal behavior.
If deviant sexual or criminal behavior is reported by staff by a patron (or if staff witnesses this behavior), the police should be called immediately. Names and phone numbers of witnesses should be recorded.
If a patron is upset, staff should remain calm and supportive. Do not interrogate the person, but escort her/him to a private office until the police arrive. An incident report form should be filled out immediately and sent to the Director