Welcome to Beanstack!
Beanstack is an awesome website you can use to keep track of your reading!
You can track your daily reading, write book reviews, and participate in fun activities to earn virtual badges and exciting prizes!
How do I sign up?
1. Go to our Beanstack website: mycdl.beanstack.org
2. Click on “Register an Individual or Family.”
3. Fill in your info! Beanstack allows families to be linked together, so all family members can be accessed with one login.
Is there an app?
Yes! Go to your device’s app store, search for "Beanstack Tracker," and follow these steps.
1. Search for Community District Library (MI)
2. Click on our library.
3. Follow the steps to register an individual or family!
How do I log Minutes, Reviews, and Activities?
1. Visit our Beanstack site or open your Beanstack app.
2. Click the "Log Reading and Activities” button in the upper left corner of the site or on the blue plus sign in the app.
3. Follow the prompts on the screen to log whatever you’ve accomplished.
4. Earn a badge when you hit a reading landmark or complete a review/activity!